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Autosub BD (Before Dome)

At the Sunday Planning meeting, Doug, Debbie, Ike and others talked about making a big fabric tube maze between the Autosub cube and the Kaos Hookah Dome and the Kaos Playground area. There would be an entrance/exit to the maze at each of these locations.

The maze will be decorative and probably decorated too, and will fill the esplanade frontage space between the Cube and the Kaos Hookah Dome, making our frontage nice but also serving as a nice separation between our frontage and the rest of our camp.

In terms of materials, this would require plastic-irrigation-pipe arches or hoops staked down with candy cane rebar, and lots and lots of fabric, which Doug can provide.

We will need to schedule a few sewing parties to make the tubes that will be assembled into the maze. It seems we'll be able to marshall quite a few sewing machines.

Ike has sketched out a super-rough idea of what this might look like in a top down form. The maze should probably be more convoluted, but this is the basic idea as it appears in Ike's head. If you want to download this and edit it, you can use a free program called Inkscape. The wiki renders the SVG a little bit weirdly; it looks a little better if you just load the .svg file straight up in firefox or inkscape.

We still need to figure out how much fabric and irrigation tubing this will take. 
