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AutoSub Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2010

Present: Peter Z, Dan Strange, Melinda, Brian Gowdey, Mike Dube, Ahmed, Mat Fries, Phil, Hooch, Courtney, Pretzel, Noah, Damon, Dream, Tish, Chuck, Cobalt, Linda May, Eric, FiG, Mat O, Steve, Kristen, Tristram, Xala, MegaSeth, Q, Ronny

Placed at 4:00 and Esplanade
100 feet of frontage, 400 feet deep for the village (all the way to A Street)
10 early passes for the village

28 have paid, 15 have filled out the survey.

38 days until the truck loads, need to finalize camp and responsibility structure.

Have a lot of holes;
Hooch has stepped up as infrastructure guru. Should meet as a group once after this meeting:
Pretzel P&W
Tristram: Art
Tish: Safety
Cobalt: second evap system (Monday)
Steve: general foreman
Brian: sound
Chuck: Tool shop
FiG & Mat O: Steam Sub

Talk about extending the main common area by one tarp

3 other camps in the Hive are AutoSub (1/3), one A Troup 420 Dub Scouts (Katie), Camp Quality (Ben), Container Camp, Nicolangelo Verdant Bleep dome

Layout: Phil 20 feet tall pyramid rig, across esplanade – concern about cost of transporting it to the truck.

Personnel Lead: XXXXXXXX
Kitchen: Dream
Entertainment: FiG
Bar: Melinda and KimBeth
Virgin: Q & Linda May
Moral enhancement: Dan Strange

As summer gets busy pods should be broken off and have their own meetings.
Last year talked about taking one list and making it for everyone and a separate one for just current list, don’t want to alienate veterans. Only post relevant info to auto sub list.

Budget finalization:
Reno cost was $2500 for storage and truck
This year will be $2500 8x10x20 container, annual $2000 storage and delivery

Written contract per year, whole lot of legal stuff. Is price locks for x number of years.
More people can get to sign on to official paper work the better, will also have to sign waivers to work on the ranch

AutoSub is not a legal entity. Pete owns the storage locker.
Can we paint the container? Yup, earth tones.

Coolers options: get a super small container, have camper in Cali store them, donate them every year, have someone go out early who does placement and get them drive them back to reno, Marine coolers $100, (take on line to list)

Budget cont.:
Deposit being sent tomorrow.
Pretzel: generator? $2600 estimated including fuel and delivery
AutoSub responsible for half, $22/person
Nicholango 15% for his dome (in)
35% other 2 or 3 camps – about $21-28/person
cashman, fuel through Washum County (???)
Deadline to hear from other people in village by Friday
Pretzel will also be bringing his 100 watt as back up
Phil always brings 2000 I, can use for camp lighting.
Gas cans in storage
6000 watt inverter $6000
Eric – Honeywell Chinese inverter
Noah – continue to follow up with Desiccant for back up generators
5000 watt belongs to AutoSub – missing a govenor
3000 knomphatty on permanent loan

Kitchen shifts – Dewb MeatWrangler, Brain Ice wrangler
Put an ice transporting vehicle on wish list
Camp wish list
Day of truck load a moving truck will be rented and will visit a few key Autosub locations. Spoke and hub. Use locations to consolidate, minimize traffic to truck load location.

Need people to sign up for shifts: volunteer and bring the Awesome

As of yesterday Cris Wagner is not going to Burning Man. Will have nothing to do with the truck only knowledge transfer. Need people to step up to coordinate with the trucking company. Pretzel will read the riot act to other camps in the Hive. Truck is integral to AutoSub, SteamBath and Oasis 47.

Peter Durand is wrangling volunteers, has to happen in the next couple weeks.
In the past truck share costs go out this week. Hasn’t happened because no one has contacted the truck company. HAS TO HAPPEN TONIGHT OR TOMORROW!

Cris wants to meet with a few people and do one brain dump. WITHIN THE WEEK

Start scheduling up work times, non-meetings.

Dome build
Décor skin
Picnic tables
Next week first 3 levels get dome and build those for net
Cannot build dome in Ronny’s yard on the 17.

RedTail is cool with using the gallery – tracing in one day can leave things hung up in gallery

Post to list pod leader volunteer meetings.

GRRLZ - Dream
MegaSeth, Tish, Courtney can help with sewing, Xala (list cont. at bottom)

Picnic table painting day at Chucks: within reasonable amount of time in Wakefield
SteamSub: at Kosinski’s should be able to bang it out in a day or two. Need one welded structure. For the keg – FiG and Mat O. will take care of the heating element. Hooch will do structure.

New kitchen counter with sink – Steve. North Redding Home depot is dumping prefab – want a 10 foot length.

Tristram and KimBeth
Load testing after the net is up.
Potentially staining glass.

Q strong recommendation for in camp beverage station space. NEED TABLE or something.

New Bar?

Brain wants to test the lights from Surly Blake

Tristram can’t make the burning van work from San Fran. For about $130 per person to get from Reno on the 24th. Needs an over 25 person. Phil interested.

Soon as there are 21 people who have filled out their survey will have a ride share list.
Tonight 28 people are paid.

Any virgins speak with Q, Linda May or Pete about any questions you might have.


If you aren’t paid by today dues are $425

Not another full camp meeting for a while.

Dan –tomorrow next couples days not Sunday
Courtney – Wednesday, Thursday Friday good. Machine, day or night
Seth – sewing and painting nights and weekends
Kristen – nights and weekends
Xala – machine Thursday
Tish – 2pm Thursday machine
Dube – 2pm thurs
Cobalt – nights and weekends (infrastructure takes priority)

(Courtney – high test thread – quilting thread)

Hosting Miss Black Rock City – need to talk to Suzy Q?
Friday or Saturday?