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Automatic Subconscious: 2009 Budget Close Out

Date: February 21, 2010
Location: Ronny’s Super-Secret Lair
Present: Pete, Hooch, Q, Steve, Matt Pretzel, Self-destruct Ronny, Madame Melinda,
Doug, Eric, Linda May, Brian, Dreamy Jenn. FiG, Kim, Tristram, Desiccant
Not present: Fred, Bethany, Alexis, Colin, Blurry, Greg, Matt, Alex, New Yorkers, Xuth (don’t have full list)


Pod leader meetings done. Going to give feed back to the leaders to help improve from 2009.

Burnal Equanox next week


Pie charts:

2009 Total Budget

2009 Total Budget

2009 Expenses

2009 All Expenses

2009 Fund Allocation

2009 Funds Allocation

Questions/Topics of interest:

Stereo equipment cleaning. Bar pod budget is off, still some info out on kitchen and van.

Should we put the budget info on the Wiki?

What are early crew expenses?
One hotel room, truck ($2000), food, supplies at Home depot

What will we spend excess budget on?
Diesel generator, dome, lower dues (Possible future dues structure: 300, 325, 375)

Ideas: should we have a treasurer?
Keep a small buffer?
Note to pod leaders: keep track of receipts

Major highlights of Pod Leader meetings:
Overall very impressed we pulled it off

Weak points:
Early crew needs to be more sensitive about layout. Need to be flexible of how we’re going to lay it out due to climate.
Going to need more stuff next year, purged a lot.
Picnic table
Kitchen equipment – talk to camp members, Goodwill, freecycle
Managing expectations – knowing what is expected of people, roles and
responsibilities, time table for camp build – people didn’t know what goals were, at least first couple days announcing at dinner the wake up time for next am.
Building – dome build / large structure – need a foreman(s) to lead and tell what needs to be done. (Fred?)
Tristram – in addition delegate tasks.
Pre-playa training
Have virgins do a dome build at Figment, firefly
More sensitive and have someone leading our frontage appearance
Head, fence, art across playa,
Private shade structure time has passed – what to do with it?
Containers- presence with in our camp benefits out weigh costs, need better
communication with Container camp
Add 2 pods - fluffer pod, virgin pod, modifying Trash and recycling to
more of LNT. Have volunteers for daily moop sweeps.
Modification of the work balance, idea of adopting DOTA’s model. Early crew
and late crew don’t have daily volunteer commitments unless they want. (very consistent camp). Or have the entire camp on early or late crew – would have to be a smaller camp.
Camp size for next year?
No co-leadership

Communication and management of expectations *******
A lot of people want to help but don’t know how.

Pod leaders modify the Wiki with their thoughts about what their role is.
Virgin pod leader would figure out the best way to get info to Virgins.

What do we do about people from out of state.
AutoSub Manual? On playa as well – survival

End of Pete’s agenda

Additional Member Input/Ideas:

Melinda – clarification of dome upgrade. It will include more dome skin.
Q – Will there be more feedback? – yes to individual pod leaders.

Set 3 mtgs between now and end of April
A lot of interest in camp from new people, want to get more ideas in before camp survey is due at end of April.
Rough idea of how many have approached – 32 about 1/2 old A.Subbers
Dessicant - Mention of “covered in bees” potential future camp
Kim- One maybe 2 possible MIT camps forming.
Good year, everyone is welcome back but not assuming it will be the same camp.

Pretzel will organize camp leader meeting for hive.

Melinda – talking to Machine about doing a fundraiser for AutoSub
Negotiating percentages with club
Think of date.
Talk to Joe – Together people
What to use funds for? Artist grant?
Volunteers – FIG (DJs), Dessicant, Brian, Tristram

Doug – “Let’s go fly a bike”
Applied for a grant – should run around $7000-$8000, plus lighting

Ronny – putting up dome for Figment (June)
Either up the night before or up between 9-12 event 12-6 down 6-8
Pete, Q, Ronny, Brian, Dream
Could make a how to video
Blake has documented everything about how to assemble the dome on the Wiki

Condition to join camp – you have to help up set up dome at least once this summer
Define roles – holder, screwer, reach around
Bringing to Firefly? Save for a future meeting.

Ronny – entertainment: band that wants to play dome on playa

Next meetings:
All meetings Sunday, cook 5:30 eat 6 meeting 7
March 7 Dessicant 4 parker st, Malden
March 21 Matt 27 Hancock St, #2 Medford
April 18 Tristram Future House 145 Hamilton, Cambridge