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Revision as of 14:03, 8 August 2011 by (talk) (kubo: created page stub to document 2011 safety)
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kubo's 2011 safety checklist

  • appropriate number and type of fire extinguishers
- last year's are stored at gerlach ranch
- inventory, test, and refresh for the current year as needed
- these can be shipped safely in the container truck
- ensure that extinguishers are present near likely fire locations. in prior years at least on flare-up has always occurred at the stoves. other hazards include: generators, structures where power lines pass through, wood shop
- this year (and last), AutoSub is supplying an extinguisher for the village generator, deductible from AS's village dues.
- have a plan for fire extinguisher placement and number of extinguishers needed. adjust per year based on camp size and infrastructure.
- this year we used __# of__ extinguishers and placed them near __(list of locations)__
- this year we bought 3 new fire extinguishers of __the following model and type__
  • harnesses/stands/visibility for fire extinguishers
  • first aid kit
stored at gerlach ranch
inventory and refresh for the current year as needed
  • 2 clearly labeled folders with campers' medical/contact info printed out
store with designated safety folks in camp
label as confidential
  • ensure labeling/signage/visibility for all items as needed
  • check website for fire extinguisher, emergency, and safety prep guidelines

first aid kit contents

2010 thru 2011 contents -- courtesy of Tish, from last inventory at ranch

  • Aspirin
  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  • Tums
  • Antifungal cream
  • Triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin)
  • Eye drops
  • Daytime cold med
  • Nighttime cold med
  • Isopropyl rubbing alcohol
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Band-Aids: small, large -- ***kubo: buy 50 medium size bandages in Reno
  • Liquid Band-Aids
  • Gauze
  • Tape for gauze
  • Ibuprofen (Advil) -- ***kubo: buy in Reno

labels and other print-outs

  • kubo: post docs here after the burn

other notes

  • safety is needed for early crew and late crew, not just during the main event. plan accordingly and have a kit on the truck, with documentation and a plan for whatever is at gerlach ranch.
  • kubo: revisit Tish email threads w attachments and update here after the burn